Field Notes ist ein kostenloses, zweisprachiges Magazin (mit Ausnahme jedoch unserer aktuellen Ausgabe, die nur auf Englisch verfügbar ist), publiziert von dem Frankfurter Label Gruenrekorder, herausgegeben von Daniel Knef und Lasse-Marc Riek. Allgemein formuliert, beschäftigt sich das Magazin mit dem Phänomen Geräusch aus den unterschiedlichsten Perspektiven: Kunst- und Kulturschaffende, Wissenschaftler und Klangforscher tragen zu Field Notes durch Ihre Essays, Interviews, Reiseberichte, Anekdoten, Notizen und Bildreihen bei.
FN #5: 22/23 | Feb. 2023
The Articles
- Angus Carlyle: Meters
- Adam Diller: 28 Outfalls + 4-Tracks EP
- cory ryan kasprzyk: United Detachment: Recording Spaces in the Anthropocene
- Bernd Herzogenrath: in|human rhythms
- David Vélez & Cyanching Wu: We Never Cook for One, We Never Eat Alone + 2-hour Recording
We gladly present our 5th issue of Field Notes that across 5 articles (with two accompanying audio works) explore the vast sound world of the Anthropocene. Starting with the collection “Meters” by Angus Carlyle who measures with heightened poetic senses through 20 years of his recordings in the field. Adam Diller augments his project “28 Outfalls” – an internationally exhibited short film about New York City’s sewer overflows – by an illustrated article and a 4-track audio work that is hereby published for the first time. With “United Detachment: Recording Spaces in the Anthropocene” we extend our unconventional trip through New York City by accompanying author cory ryan kasprzyk who reflects on the convoluted positions we inhabit in a world so heavily shaped by our species and only so recently shook by a world-wide pandemic. Meanwhile Bernd Herzogenrath’s essay “in|human rhythms” explores different artistic approaches to escape the rhythmical trappings of the Anthropocene; away from conscious control, opening towards the “nonlinear pulsation of life.” Our magazine closes with the audio paper “We Never Cook for One, We Never Eat Alone” that presents a cooking session by Cyanching Wu, documented by David Vélez. In the accompanying article, David creates a context to appreciate these recordings and the vibrant socio-cultural conditions in which the artists advanced them.
- Editors
- Daniel Knef, Lasse-Marc Riek.
- Contributors
- Angus Carlyle, Adam Diller, Bernd Herzogenrath, cory ryan kasprzyk, David Vélez, Cyanching Wu.
- Images
- Pablo Saavedra Arélvalo (for Tsonami), Will Bedford, Robin Christian, Adam Diller, Stephen Harvey, cory ryan kasprzyk, La Radio Criolla, Kim Lewis, Santiago Rodríguez, Rossana Uribe, Lina Velandia.
- Layout & Implementation
- Daniel Knef.
Klang-Magazin «Field Notes» • 2008—2023.